I know I have only made 3 posts and then disappeared but there has been a lot going on in my little world. Some I am happy to talk about and some that will just have to stay locked up in my little brain for a while longer.
My big news….I am now a Reiki Master. This has been the start to an amazing journey. I have been learning Reiki for just under a year, but from the moment I started it I knew I could do it, it just came naturally to me. It has been the thing that has kept me sane because when I am learning or practising Reiki I don’t feel the pain off loss as deeply. It is the most amazing thing and a massive confidence boots for me. I am not an academic kind of a person and because of the Fibromyalgia I have a very bad short term memory, so I find it hard to learn something and then keep it in my head for any amount of time but I never felt like I needed to learn Reiki. I think I just needed someone to explain what I was already picking up. Please don’t think I am being a big head with all of this, I know I could not have got this far without my Reiki Master Dee, she has been amazing and I am proud to be her student.
I mention the Fibromyalgia before; man it has been giving me some grief of late. I don’t know weather I am doing too much or I am just having a bad spell but my goodness I have been in some evil pain. I hate waking up in the morning as I don’t know what bit of me will be hurting and it can take me anywhere from 10 minutes to half an hour to get out of bed, most the time ending in me being in tears as the pain is so bad. Then it is a case of “right Zoe pull yourself together, put a smile on your face and go and look after mini me” for anyone who does not know, that is my daughter she is 3 in May and a wonderful handful. That kid never stops. LOL I have good days and bad looking after her, some days I can play and run about with her like a normal mom and no one would know any different, then other I have to be a lot more careful with my energy and try not to let her climb all over me as it hurt so much. Life with Fibromyalgia can be very hard but I just have to make the best of the goods days and try not to dwell on the bad.
Talking of good days, we have been spending them baking, It is a massive passion of mine and I am so please that mini me loves it to. She is just so dam cute sat on the work top with her apron on, she really gets into it. Maybe one day she will bake me a cake all on her own. I have loads of cookery books to get ideas from but at the moment we are love making cupcakes, so simple but so much fun to make and decorate, she has also found a new love of licking the wooden spoon with all the cake mix on. I can remember doing this when I was a kid.
Night Night all. xxx
“May Angels watch over you always”
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