This is something I have been meaning to blog about for a while, but didn't know how to put it all in to words. I am just going to start typing and see what falls out my head on to the page.
As you all know I am a mother of two wonderful monsters, Mini me is 5 going on 17 and Wrecking ball is 2 in February, they are as different as chalk and cheese,
Lets go back to the start of this motherhood journey, I had a good job, I was a PA for a Managing Director of a local high end wallpaper company. I loved the job and had made some very good friends with in the company. We started trying for a baby and with in two months our wish has been granted, much to both of our surprise as we thought it would take months and months and months, this little baby was determined from the very start. I was so excited to be pregnant. We found out that we were having a little girl, much to my surprise, as I was convinced it was a boy. Once I got my head around the fact we were having a girl, I was so excited. Bring on the pink. Then I had to start thinking about weather I wanted to go back to work when baby was born, this was such a hard choice to make. I loved my job but also new that I wanted to spend as much time as possible with the new baby. Hubby and I sat down and had a massive chat about the pros and cons of staying at home and also the pros and cons of putting baby in nursery. In my heart I new I didn't want to put her in nursery, as I didn't want to miss a second of her life. Yes I am one of those mother. Over protective and proud of it.
Now let me just state that this is my point of view. I am not pointing the finger at anyone who has placed there child in nursery because it could have been very different for me if it wasn't for the fact that Hubby has a decent job, on saying that we are in no way rolling in it, just extremely careful with how we spend our money. I cant remember the last time we had a holiday but that is what we sacrificed for me to be able to stay of with the kids.
So my heart made the choice for me, I became a Mommy on the 1st of May 2009 and it was one of the best days of my life, ok it was scary, painful and super fast but still amazing. My Mom and Hubby shared Mini me's birth with me. I was blessed to have them there. maybe one day I will write a blog about both there birth story's.
The first 8 weeks of mini me's life was a roller coaster of emotion. I felt like I had not clue what I was doing. I felt like I was bouncing from one panic moment to another. (if I'm honest I still feel like that now at times. lol) then it started to get easier and with a lot of help and support from friend, family and my wonderful health visitor Sharon, I felt like I could do this and I have, Mini me and I have shared so many perfect moment, first time sitting up, first steps, first words and a million other first that I am so proud of her for. She has always been a clever girl and you only has to show her something once and she got it. I have always been amazed by her.
It has not always been all flowers and Roses, it is hard to be with one child day in day out, especially in the winter months, as I don't drive and have to walk everywhere I go, it is also hard when they are have days where you cant do right for doing wrong and you have a very grumpy little person letting you know how cross they are with you. I know in my heart I have given both my kids my all and have tried to given them as much fun and giggles as possible.
Nursery DOM DOM DOOOOOMMMM School nursery i mean - now with anyone who new me at this point in my life will know that I didn't want Mini me to go to nursery as I loved being with her so much, over protective Mommy again, lol but I knew in my heart that it was the right thing for her and that she would love it and get so much out of it, from the first day she loved it and now she is in year 1 and loved school so much. I am blessed that she has some good friends who mean the world to her.
The Hubby decided that it would be a good time to think about having another baby, this made me head spin for a while as I was quite used to it just being the three of us and didn't know weather I wanted to rock the boast, but I gave it a lot of thought and decided that yes it would be wonderful to have another monster in our family.
We court again after two month of trying, this was another shocker to me as I thought second child will take longer and I will have loads of time to get my head in the right place. where as with Mini me I was convinced she was a boy with this one I was convinced I was having another girl. nope, I got it wrong again. lol my second pregnancy was not as fun as the first because I still had all my normals jobs to do and also had to look after Mini me in the afternoon when she had finished nursery.
Please excuse how crap I looked.
This was the day before Wrecking ball arrived and I was so tired and everything hurt.
I was massive with this pregnancy, I always say "like I was like a ship in sale". he never seemed to be in a comfy position and when he kicked it hurt like hell, we now know this was because he was such a big baby and there was not much room in there. through the whole pregnancy I had a very bad back and pelvis and for the last 5 months I would only get between two and three hours sleep a night. I could moan on about that pregnancy but when all said and done I was lucky to be pregnant and bless with the baby I got in the end.
Wrecking balls birth was even faster that Mini me's, but this time it was only Hubby in the room with me, My Mom was no longer with us at this point, even though we could both feel her with us in spirit, as I have said in one of my other post, wrecking ball had a traumatic birth and the little monster decided that he was not going to breath straight away, but after some help from the nurses he took a massive breath and thank whoever was watching over us that day he is fine now.
I then had two kids to look after, one at nursery 5 morning a week and one who is with me all day every day. my life was complete. completely happy, completely mental and completely exhausting. but complete.
I think what I am trying to say here is, its a bloody hard job being a full time Mom but very very worth it. I do miss having a job but there is time for that in the future.
May angels watch over you always. x
How lovely and nice to learn a little bit more about you x