Monday 12 January 2015

Gong Bath

Hello beautiful people,

I had the most wonderful experience on Friday night. I went to a Gong bath. This was my first time and I have to say I loved it.  

OK, I can here you asking, What is a Gong bath? It is basically a self meditation to the sound of people playing gongs. 

These are the beautiful gongs

This is how they were set up for our evening

The evening was at The Sanctuary Of Healing in Langho, Blackburn and if any of you have ever been to The Sanctuary then you will know it is a very spiritual and uplifting place to start with. Then add some beautiful gong music and you know you are in for an adventure. 

We all lay down on the floor, all snuggled up in blankets, then they turned the lights down and told us to relax and close our eyes, this was the time to either drift into a meditation or be with your own thoughts and let the music flow with you. You can not only hear the music but you can feel it vibrating all around you. You are literally bathing in music. The music was so powerful and a little eerie at time, but oh my goodness it blew me away. 

My adventure - I was floating upright in the air with a bright white light connecting me to spirit. The light flowed down through the top of my head and then roots growing up into my feet connecting me to mother earth. The energy of both past through my body and met in my heart space and then exploded out my heart to create another world in front of me, behind me I could see my sprite animals. I have a wolf. an eagle. a monkey and a momma bear (the bear is me) another image of me, but this time I have had my skin removed from my body so you can see all the muscles, then another image of me with my muscles removed and so on until I was just one tiny cell left (none of this hurt or scared me) it was just amazing to see myself split down into all the pieces that make up a human, then all of a sudden it all pulled back together and I was whole again. 

After this I had some scary pictures come into my head, that did upset me, as it was not what I had expected to see. I think it was my brains way to sort out the hurt I feel about certain situation from my past. It was all part of the evening so I just went with the flow and though I am safe and with people who will protect me if I need it, so I let it happen.

When the gong bath was over we all went into the beautiful cafe area and had 'grounding' biscuits and tea. 

It was such a magical evening for so many reasons.  I felt reborn after the bath, I also got to see some of my tribe who I care for so much and just felt safe and happy. I am truly bless to be able to do these things. Thank you to the universe for giving me this life.

May angels watch over you always.  


  1. Written from the heart , I was lucky to share such a wonderful experience with you x

  2. Thank you, It was great to share it with you to. I cant wait for the next adventure. Hugs xxx
